Do you think it’s about time to have your tank emptied? Well before you book us in, why not take the time to visit some of your favourite neighbours?
With The Friendly Neighbour Scheme, everybody wins! If you and a neighbour schedule in a tank-empty at the same time, you will both receive a discount.
Often, we will find ourselves to-ing and fro-ing to the same locations around Wales. We think we’ve found the perfect solution to help us… to help you!
Hear from our satisfied customers:
‘Thank you so much to West Wales Waste for the neighbour scheme!! We have a friend a few doors down and she popped a note through to ask if we’d like to go in with her on this scheme. I wasn’t really sure what to expect but thought I’d call to find out more. It’s as good as it sounds! We were due a tank empty so we set it up. They were prompt and friendly, and both of our tanks were emptied the same day with the discount. I’m on my village committee, so I’ve been recommending it to everyone locally now. Excellent scheme, thank you West Wales Waste!’ – June, Ceredigion
For more information on the scheme, or for a free quote, contact us today!
To keep up to date with what we’re up to, visit our Facebook page by clicking here.
*Terms & Conditions:
Firstly, discount applies to septic tank empties, cesspit empties and sewage treatment plant empties. Secondly, neighbours must live within one mile of each other. Thirdly, both tanks must be booked for the same day. And finally, both tanks must be emptied within an hour of each other.